For videos of this litter, please go to my youtube channel (

Click on Dottie x Tex 12.2024 under playlists.  For more photos, make sure you scroll below these updates for the weekly gallery.)


Eight weeks old today!  Another big week for the pups…outings in the stroller to pick up FR from school, Home Depot, and a local preschool, wellness checks with the vet, going outside on a regular basis, wearing a harness and walking while dragging the leash, manding, and clicker training just to name a few things.

Seven weeks old today!  Big week for the pups…exploring the first floor of our house instead of being confined to their xpen, mastering the box game, conquering their first treat trail, enjoying free play on the agility equipment, individual work with the clicker, learning how to ride in the car, crate training with the tops on, and a visit to the trainer for evaluation/observation.

Six weeks old today!  The mental growth of these puppies is outpacing their physical growth!  Their personalities are emerging and it’s fun to see them become more people oriented, rather than preferring to hang with their littermates.  Make sure you look at the galleries and YouTube to see great footage of the Puppy Party!

Five weeks old today!  The puppies are growing by leaps and bounds!  They are almost weaned and enjoy mealtimes immensely!  They love visitors and will come to the edge of the pen when we call “puppy, puppy, puppy”.  They passed their first barrier challenge with flying colors and all are doing well with creating positive emotional responses.  They should be a lot of fun at their puppy party next weekend!

Four weeks old today!  This has been a huge week in terms of mental growth for the pups!  They are now eating puppy mush in preparation for weaning and they have left the whelping box for exploration beyond those four walls.  They also take their meals and spend time in a second gated room that allows us to clean their living area daily.  Physically, they are more steady on their paws and are starting to sprout teeth!

Three weeks old today!  These puppies have changed a great deal in the last few days.  Their eyes are open and so are their ears.  That means they have jumped into the Critical Socialization Period.  Check out the gallery below and our YouTube channel for all the things they can do now!

Two weeks old today!  In some respects, it seems like they’ve been here forever and in others, like they arrived yesterday!  As you’ll see in the gallery, all eyes are open and we expect them to have open ears soon!  Mom is continuing to do a great job…all the pups have doubled their birth weight, becoming strong little piglets!   

The puppies are one week old today!  Although their eyes and hears are still closed and they are totally dependent on Mom, we are already seeing changes such as more mobility, eyes that are not tightly squeezed shut, the ability to let mom take a break from the whelping, and stronger nursing skills.    

Dottie whelped 5 beautiful puppies this afternoon…3 girls and 2 boys!  Please welcome our Great Folksingers of the 60’s:  Arlo (Guthrie), Leonard (Cohen), Linda (Rondstadt), Carole (King), and Joan (Baez)!     

We are currently enjoying lots of Dottie snuggles as she slows down and readies herself for the whelping process.  She’s getting extra treats and smaller but more frequent meals.   




These puppies are developing really nice manners, sitting politely to let us know they want attention or a treat!

This behavior is called manding.  Instead of rewarding jumping, crying, etc, we wait until they sit and make eye contact.  They are learning to communicate with their people.

The puppies enjoyed their first baths.  No one fussed and several totally relaxed like they were having a spa day!

Afterwards, they enjoyed being towel dried and cuddled by one of their favorite people!






The puppies are growing like weeds!  They barely fit in this crate pad, the same one they almost seemed lost in when we first placed a bed in their whelping box!  Eye rims and nose pigment are filling in as expected with Arlo lagging slightly behind (often typical in our all white pups).  Dottie is starting to notice their teeth…she is NOT a fan so she will start weaning them sooner than later.  Their coats are coming in and they love being groomed with a soft-bristled brush.  Carole is the largest pup at 2 lbs.3 oz, but the remaining pups weigh between 2.0 lbs and 2 lbs, 0.3 oz.  All in all, they are becoming quite cute!  Pictures below, first row, left to right:  Arlo, Joan, Leo.  Second row, left to right:  Carole, whole litter, Linda




Scenes from Week 3


growing puppies

So much happened this last week!  Puppies have opened their eyes and they are hearing too.  That means that they are now in the Critical Socialization Period and the meat and potatoes work of Puppy Culture has begun!


The puppies are now in a larger whelping box, have a potty grate, and are introduced to a new experience every day.  This can be in the form of being held by visitors, new textures, new rooms to explore, introductions to other members of their pack, toys, obstacles to overcome, and more!  Whatever we can dream up, we do it.  Check our YouTube channel for videos on the new experiences the puppies had this week.