For videos of this litter, please go to my youtube channel (
Click on Dottie x Tex 12.2024 under playlists. For more photos, make sure you scroll below these updates for the weekly gallery.)
scenes from week 8
active, playful puppies!
These pups all weighed between 3lbs, 5oz and 3lbs, 14oz at their vet appointment this week. Their coats are thickening and the vet commented on how soft they were. They play and work nonstop until, all of a sudden, they just quit and fall asleep! They continue to meet new people, go on safe outings, and work on things like crate and clicker training. It’s hard to believe they will be going home in less than two weeks!
These puppies are developing really nice manners, sitting politely to let us know they want attention or a treat!

This behavior is called manding. Instead of rewarding jumping, crying, etc, we wait until they sit and make eye contact. They are learning to communicate with their people.
The puppies enjoyed their first baths. No one fussed and several totally relaxed like they were having a spa day!

Afterwards, they enjoyed being towel dried and cuddled by one of their favorite people!
scenes from week 5
He’s fearless and is constantly seeking enrichment. He loves to torture his brother and sisters, waking them up to play!
Nothing seems to faze this little guy!
She’s the first to sense when we come into their room, running to greet us. She loves to snuggle!
She is easy to recognize with her dots on her back, much like her mama!
She’s been the quiet one, but found her cute little voice this week! She’s very chill and loves the crate so far!
Her favorite toy is this blue crinkle doll with rope hands and feet.
She, too, has found her voice and will let you know she NEEDS attention if you’re holding her but talking to someone else!
Her markings are beautiful, with a zigzag of golden brown across her back.
Leo, our little lion, has really come out of his shell this week. He is quick to try new things and loves his food!
He continues to maintain the most color of all the tri’s!
Highlights of the week: crate introduction, new visitors, new toys, learning to take a treat, weaning, creating positive emotional responses, delicious food with more texture, manding and puppy recall. Make sure to check out our YouTube video to see these things in action!
The puppies are growing like weeds! They barely fit in this crate pad, the same one they almost seemed lost in when we first placed a bed in their whelping box! Eye rims and nose pigment are filling in as expected with Arlo lagging slightly behind (often typical in our all white pups). Dottie is starting to notice their teeth…she is NOT a fan so she will start weaning them sooner than later. Their coats are coming in and they love being groomed with a soft-bristled brush. Carole is the largest pup at 2 lbs.3 oz, but the remaining pups weigh between 2.0 lbs and 2 lbs, 0.3 oz. All in all, they are becoming quite cute! Pictures below, first row, left to right: Arlo, Joan, Leo. Second row, left to right: Carole, whole litter, Linda
Scenes from Week 3
growing puppies
So much happened this last week! Puppies have opened their eyes and they are hearing too. That means that they are now in the Critical Socialization Period and the meat and potatoes work of Puppy Culture has begun!
The puppies are now in a larger whelping box, have a potty grate, and are introduced to a new experience every day. This can be in the form of being held by visitors, new textures, new rooms to explore, introductions to other members of their pack, toys, obstacles to overcome, and more! Whatever we can dream up, we do it. Check our YouTube channel for videos on the new experiences the puppies had this week.
Beautiful white male with cream markings. His nose and eye rims are filling in.
Nothing seems to faze this little guy!
Very sweet tri-color female with dots on her back very similar to her mom!
She loves to be cuddled!
Very sweet tri-color female with black and white body and brown markings on her face.
She has discovered that she can instigate mischief by disturbing her siblings’ naps!
Another sweetie! Tri-color female with a white zig zag on her back.
She’s awake more than the other puppies and enjoys laying on Leo!
Beautiful tri-color male with the most brown of the litter.
He loves to be sung to and will sing right back!
Critical socialization involves having as many different people as we can meet and hold the puppies. Handling starts with immediate family only and progresses to safe individuals who take precautions such as removing shoes and using hand sanitizer.

Arlo’s eyes seem more open than the others, but it’s only because they contrast beautifully with his white fur!
Little Joan was the last one to open her eyes so they still appear as tiny slits!


The puppies are getting a lot of cuddles and handling by immediate family members.

scenes From wEEK 1
From top to bottom:
Arlo, Linda
From top to bottom:
Joan, Leonard
scenes from Prenatal period